What is SERP? Use its elements to improve SEO
What is a search engine results page?
A SERP or search engine results page is the list of results, that you see after searching for a query on Google, Yahoo, or other search engines. Different search engines have different SERP designs. We are focusing on Google since it owns 75% of the market. SERP usually includes organic search results, paid search, and pay-per-click(PPC) ads.
More than 90% of users visit websites that rank on the first page. If your website isn’t on the first page, you need to make some changes and boost your ranking. First, you need to understand how search engines work and how the search engine results page is organized.\
Types of search queries
Type of search query entered indicates in SERP results. They are divided into 3 main categories: navigational, informational, or transactional.
Navigational queries
The searcher is looking for a specific website, and types part of its URL. It is difficult to compete with these results and rank on the first page. If you want to take advantage of navigational queries for your site, consider buying ads for the keywords you want to rank for—like the name of your business, for instance.
Informational queries
The user types a question, to learn something new. Its main purpose is to get the information. If you have relevant information on your website on different topics, questions user can find you on SERP, and then you can lead him to buy your products. A person makes an informational query when they want to learn something, like background facts on a topic or how to perform a certain task. The searcher isn’t usually looking to make a purchase, but the right content often drives them to a particular brand. That’s why it’s important to create relevant content that caters to the wants, needs, and interests of your target audience.
Media is really helpful content in driving traffic to your site. You can add How to video, photos to guide a process, graphs, downloadable guide.
Transactional queries
People search with this query when they are searching for buying something. In this case, people will see a lot of paid results, because keywords tend to have a lot of bids for pay-per-click spots. More than 65% of users click paid results.
Paid traffic VS organic traffic
Paid and organic results are both included on Google SERP. You should consider using both so you can boost your website traffic. Google displays ads on top of search results. It chooses 4 top ads to display on the desktop page and 3 on mobile.
Value of Paid results. Google analysis the bid amount, the quality of the page where the ad is placed, the quality of the ad itself, and the relevance to the search. If it values that your site is better than others then you will appear on the first page.
The value of organic results
Organic listings are based on search engine optimization (SEO). So you need to have an optimized website to rank higher. Google changes its algorithm sot it can provide the best results. It’s important to be aware of its changes.
Elements of a SERP?
SERP element fits in one of these main categories.
The knowledge graph features a box that appears on the right panel.
Rich snippets, add extra value to the results, like product reviews or photos in news results.
Paid results, a list of results that are paid to be displayed on SERP
Universal results, list of organic results.
If you want to be on SERP, you have to consider the below elements. Try to implement as many as you can.
Google Ads
Google Ads, people will see your ads before any organic result. Registering to google Adworks isn’t enough. You have to have a high-quality site and a high pay-per-click bid, depending on how competitive the keywords are.
Featured snippet
The featured snippet is a separate box on the right of search results. It attracts attention and it is more likely to be clicked by users. If you need to be on the first page to have a featured snippet, make sure you have informative and rich keywords content.
Image pack
Google uses another algorithm to filter images. SERP displays a list of ranked images. you can be found and valued by images.
You should also use:
– understandable and descriptive file names
– image alt text, caption, and description
– exact, valued page title
– readable URL
– optimized photos (size)
– try to get your images embedded on other sites
In-depth articles
These are old articles that give relevant information. Content is created by high reputation publicans and doesn’t age. In 2019 this section disappeared but, not the articles.
Knowledge card
A separate box on SERP that gives important points about the searched facts. like Wikipedia mini page on the right. They are very useful because provide important information and related articles or topics. This helps users search deeper and get more relevant information.
Knowledge panel
This is similar to the knowledge Card but more specific. For example, if you search for a restaurant, the knowledge panel shows the phone number, website, visiting hours.
Local pack
A map box that shows businesses pins relevant to the search query. Usually, users search with a location name, and google Algorithm shows items available nearby. For example searching grocery stores might return local packs, a list of grocery shops with their contact information.
Local teaser pack
It’s similar to the local pack but more detailed. If you click on a business you can get more detailed information.
Google’s news algorithm indexes and shows news on a specific box. If you have news on your site, then you have to add your site to Google’s News Publisher Center so Google can crawl it. this box displays recent news or articles and gets people to come to your site by clicking news.
Related questions
SERP has space for “People also ask” or “Questions related to [search term].” For every search, it shows similar searches that people ask for. The number of people that click on this section has increased recently. You have to improve your SEO strategy, get on the first SERP page and then google will automatically suggest your site on the “Related section”.
SERP offers a specific section for top pages. Usually, it shows star reviews and people are commonly clicking on these pages. If you want to show up on this box, consider adding a plugin that: allows people to share testimonials or give star ratings to your business.
Shopping results
This section shows 8 shopping pages per keyword on the right column of SERP. The competition among shopping pages is too high. If you want to show up on this section you have to: have high-quality images, a lot of sales, competitive prices, and most importantly bid high. Also, register on Google Merchant Center.
These are links to specific pages within a site. For example, if you search for Bluehost pricing, then it shows the main Bluehost website and below its site links. So, if you want your visitors to find you, you have to create a structured website, with a lot of site links. Google crawlers analyze your website and attach relevant heading for each site link, “Blog” “Contact” etc.
SERP has a specific section that helps visitors navigate to your tweeter feed. This is something shown only for trending pages.
If you want your site to be displayed in the video section, make sure you add title, description, text and use many embedded videos on your site.
As a conclusion
Is good to know how the structure of the Search Engine Results Page and how does it work, so you can optimize your site. create a strategy for Site design and content. It is important to stay informed of Google’s policies and keep your site updated. This is a small part of boosting your Google rank. For a detailed strategy follow our guide on how to optimize your website and rank 1 on Google.